Basic Image AlgorithmS Library  2.8.0
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BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D, including all inherited members.

AbsIP()BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
Add(const double &scalar, Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
AddIP(const double &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
AddIP(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Adjoint() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
BecomeRelativeTransform(const CoordinateTransform3D &newLocal, const CoordinateTransform3D &newGlobal)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
BinRead(const char *filename) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
BinWrite(const char *filename) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
clear()BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotectedvirtual
ConcatenateLocalTransform(const CoordinateTransform3D &localT, CoordinateTransform3D &res) const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
const_iterator typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
const_reference typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
CoordinateTransform3D(const CoordinateTransform3D &c)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
copy(const T *v)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
destroy()TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
det() constBIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
DetSquare() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
dim(Subscript d) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Divide(const double &scalar, Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
DivideElementwise(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
DivideIP(const double &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
element_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
Fill(const double &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GaussJordan()BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetAbsMaxMin(double &max, double &min) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetC() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetCol(const int &col) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetCols() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetCQ() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetData()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetData() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetDataArray() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetDataArray()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetDataArray1() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetDataLast() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetDataLast()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetGlobalToLocalTransform() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetLocalToGlobalTransform() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetMatrix3x4() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
GetMatrix4x4() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
GetMax(Matrix< double > &m)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetMax() constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetMaxMin(double &max, double &min) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetMean() constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetMin(Matrix< double > &m)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetMin() constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetNumElements() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetQ() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetR() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetRow(const int &row) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetRows() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GetScale() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GetSubMatrix(const size_t startRow, const size_t startCol, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, Matrix< double > &submatrix) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetSubMatrix(const Vector< int > &rows, const Vector< int > &cols, Matrix< double > &submatrix) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetSubMatrix(const Vector< int > &rows, const Vector< int > &cols) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
GetSystemMatrix(Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
GlobalToLocal(const HomgPoint3D &X_G) const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
GlobalToLocal(HomgPoint3D &X_G, HomgPoint3DCov &Cov_G) const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
initialize(Subscript M, Subscript N)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
initialize(M, N)TNT::Matrix< T >protected
IsIdentity(double eps=0.0) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
IsZero(double eps=0.0) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
iterator typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
Kronecker(Matrix< double > const B, Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
lbound() const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Load(const std::string &inputFile)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
LocalToGlobal(const HomgPoint3D &X_L) const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
LocalToGlobal(HomgPoint3D &X_L, HomgPoint3DCov &Cov_L) const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
m_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
MakeSymmetric()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(const Matrix3x3< double > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< double >explicitprotected
Matrix(int rows, int cols)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(int rows, int cols, const doublevalue)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(int rows, int cols, const MatrixInitType &i)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(const int rows, const int cols, const std::string &s)BIAS::Matrix< double >explicitprotected
Matrix(const Matrix< double > &A)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(const TNT::Matrix< double > &A)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix(const Vector< double > &v)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
TNT::Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
TNT::Matrix::Matrix(Subscript M, Subscript N, const T *v)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
TNT::Matrix::Matrix(Subscript M, Subscript N, const std::string &s)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Matrix4x4()BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
Matrix4x4(const std::string &s)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >explicitprotected
Matrix4x4(const doublea0, const doublea1, const doublea2, const doublea3, const doublea4, const doublea5, const doublea6, const doublea7, const doublea8, const doublea9, const doublea10, const doublea11, const doublea12, const doublea13, const doublea14, const doublea15)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
Matrix4x4(const MatrixInitType &i)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineexplicitprotected
Matrix4x4(const Matrix4x4< double > &A)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
Matrix4x4(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
Matrix4x4(const TNT::Matrix< double > &A)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
Matrix4x4(const Matrix3x3< double > &R, const Vector3< double > &trans)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
mn_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
Mult(const Vector4< double > &argvec, Vector4< double > &destvec) constBIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
Mult(const Matrix4x4< double > &argmat, Matrix4x4< double > &destmat) constBIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
Matrix< double >::Mult(const Matrix< double > &arg, Matrix< double > &result) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix< double >::Mult(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Matrix< double >::Mult(const Vector< double > &arg, Vector< double > &result) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Multiply(const double &scalar, Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
MultiplyIP(const double &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
MultiplyWithTransposeOf(const Matrix< double > &arg, Matrix< double > &result) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
MultLeft(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
MultLeft(const Vector< double > &arg, Vector< double > &result) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
n_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
newsize(int rows, int cols)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
Matrix< double >::newsize(Subscript M, Subscript N)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Normalize()BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
NormalizeCols()BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
NormalizeColsToOne(const int norm_row_index)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
NormalizeRows()BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
NormalizeRowsToOne(const int norm_col_index)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
NormFrobenius() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
NormL1() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
NormL2() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
num_cols() const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
num_rows() const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator()(Subscript i)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator()(Subscript i) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator()(Subscript i, Subscript j)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator()(Subscript i, Subscript j) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator*(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator*(const Matrix< T > &A, const Vector< T > &x)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator+(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator-(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CoordinateTransform3D &p)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dfriend
Matrix4x4< double >::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
Matrix4x4< double >::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< unsigned char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
Matrix4x4< double >::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator=(const CoordinateTransform3D &c)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
Matrix4x4< double >::operator=(const Matrix< double > &mat)BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protected
Matrix< double >::operator=(const TNT::Matrix< double > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
TNT::Matrix::operator=(const Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
TNT::Matrix::operator=(const T &scalar)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator>>(std::istream &is, CoordinateTransform3D &p)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dfriend
Matrix4x4< double >::operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< unsigned char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
Matrix4x4< double >::operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
Matrix4x4< double >::operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator[](Subscript i)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
operator[](Subscript i) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
pointer typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
Print(std::ostream &s, const int width, const int precision, bool scientific=true) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Print(std::ostream &s, const bool intCastOutput=false, const bool binaryOutput=false, const bool forceFullPrecision=false) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
PrintPretty(std::ostream &s, const std::string &name="", const int width=8, const bool alignLeft=true) const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
Read(std::istream &s, const bool intCastInput=false, const bool binaryInput=false)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
reference typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
RotateLocalFrame(const Quaternion< double > &Q)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
row_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
rowm1_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
Save(const std::string &outputFile)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
Matrix4x4< double >::Save(const std::string &filename) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
ScaleCol(int NoCol, doublescale)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
ScaleRow(int NoRow, doublescale)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
Set(const Quaternion< double > &Q, const Vector3< double > &C, const double &scale=1.0)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinlinevirtual
Matrix4x4< double >::Set(const int row, const int col, const Matrix< double > &data)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
Matrix4x4< double >::Set(const int row, const int col, const Vector< double > &data)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
set(const T &val)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
set(value)TNT::Matrix< T >protected
SetC(const Vector3< double > &C)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
SetCol(const int row, const Vector< double > &data)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetFromMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4< double > &M)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
SetIdentity()BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
SetQ(const Quaternion< double > &Q)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinline
SetR(const BIAS::RMatrixBase &R)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
SetRow(const int row, const Vector< double > &data)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetScale(const double &scale)BIAS::CoordinateTransform3Dinlinevirtual
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Matrix< double > &submatrix, const size_t startRowInSub, const size_t startColInSub, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Matrix3x3< double > &submatrix)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Vector3< double > &subvector)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetTranspose(const int row, const int col, const Vector< double > &data)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
SetZero()BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
size() const TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
size_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
Sub(const double &scalar, Matrix< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
SubIP(const Matrix< double > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
SubIP(const double &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
SwapRows(const int i, const int r)BIAS::Matrix< double >protected
Talk() const BIAS::CoordinateTransform3D
Trace() constBIAS::Matrix< double >inlineprotected
Transpose() constBIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
TransposeIP()BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >inlineprotected
v_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
value_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >protected
Vec(Vector< double > &dest) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
vm1_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
WriteMatlab(std::ostream &ostr, const std::string &name) constBIAS::Matrix< double >protected
~Matrix()BIAS::Matrix< double >protectedvirtual
~Matrix4x4()BIAS::Matrix4x4< double >protectedvirtual