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BIAS::Matrix3x3< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >, including all inherited members.

Data_BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >protected
GetAbsMaxMin(T &max, T &min) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetAbsMaxMin(double &max, double &min) constBIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetAbsMaxMin(float &max, float &min) constBIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetColumn(const unsigned int col, Vector3< T > &r) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetColumn(const unsigned int col) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
GetData()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
GetData() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
GetDeterminant() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetInverse(Matrix3x3< T > &inv) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetInverse(Matrix3x3< unsigned int > &x) constBIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetMax() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetMaxMin(T &max, T &min) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetMin() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetNumElements() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
GetRow(const unsigned int row, Vector3< T > &r) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
GetRow(const unsigned int row) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
InvertIP()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
InvertIP()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
IsIdentity(const T eps=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
IsZero(const T eps=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Load(const std::string &fname)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
MakeSymmetric()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Matrix3x3()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Matrix3x3(const T a0, const T a1, const T a2, const T a3, const T a4, const T a5, const T a6, const T a7, const T a8)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Matrix3x3(const MatrixInitType &i)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >explicit
Matrix3x3(const Matrix3x3< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Matrix3x3(const Matrix< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Matrix3x3(const TNT::Matrix< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Mult(const Vector3< T > &argvec, Vector3< T > &destvec) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Mult(const Matrix3x3< T > &argmat, Matrix3x3< T > &destmat) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Mult(const Matrix3x4< T > &argmat, Matrix3x4< T > &destmat) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Normalize()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
NormFrobenius() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
NormL1() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
NormL2() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
operator!=(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
operator*(const Matrix3x3< T > &mat, const T &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator*(const T &arg, const Matrix3x3< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator*(const Matrix2x3< T > &mat, const Matrix3x3< T > &argmat)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator*(const Matrix3x3< T > &argL, const Matrix3x3< T > &argR)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator*=(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
operator*=(const T &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator+(const Matrix3x3< T > &left, const Matrix3x3< T > &right)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator+=(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator-(const Matrix3x3< T > &left, const Matrix3x3< T > &right)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator-=(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator/(const Matrix3x3< T > &mat, const T &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >related
operator/=(const T &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator=(const Matrix3x3< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator==(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
operator[](const unsigned row)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
operator[](const unsigned row) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Save(const std::string &fname) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Scale(const T &scalar, Matrix3x3< T > &destmat) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
SetAsCrossProductMatrix(const Vector3< T > &vec)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetAsCrossProductMatrix(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetAsCrossProductMatrix(const unsigned int &, const unsigned int &, const unsigned int &)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetAsCrossProductMatrix(const Vector3< unsigned int > &)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetColumn(const unsigned int col, const Vector3< T > &c)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetFromColumnVectors(const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v0, const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v1, const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v2)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetFromRowVectors(const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v0, const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v1, const BIAS::Vector3< T > &v2)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetFromVector(const TNT::Vector< T > &vec)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetIdentity()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
SetRow(const unsigned int row, const Vector3< T > &r)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
SetZero()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Trace() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
Transpose() const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >
Transpose(const Matrix3x3< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
TransposedMult(const Vector3< T > &argvec, Vector3< T > &destvec) const BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
TransposeIP()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >inline
~Matrix3x3()BIAS::Matrix3x3< T >virtual