Basic Image AlgorithmS Library  2.8.0
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BIAS::Tensor3D< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::Tensor3D< T >, including all inherited members.

_DataBIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
_DataArrayBIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
_Dim1BIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
_Dim2BIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
_Dim3BIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
_SizeBIAS::Tensor3D< T >protected
Destroy()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
GetData()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >inline
GetData() const BIAS::Tensor3D< T >inline
GetDataArray()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >inline
GetDim1() const BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
GetDim2() const BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
GetDim3() const BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
GetLength() const BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
NewSize(const int i, const int j, const int k, const T &def=(T) 0.0)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >inline
operator=(const Tensor3D< T > &t)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
operator==(const Tensor3D< T > &t)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
Scale(T factor)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
SetFromVector(const BIAS::Vector< T > &v)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
SetZero()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
Tensor3D()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
Tensor3D(const int i, const int j, const int k, const T &def=(T) 0.0)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
Tensor3D(const Tensor3D< T > &t)BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
ToVector()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >
~Tensor3D()BIAS::Tensor3D< T >