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BIAS::Matrix2x3< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >, including all inherited members.

AbsIP()BIAS::Matrix< T >
Add(const T &scalar, Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
AddIP(const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
AddIP(const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Adjoint() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
BinRead(const char *filename) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
BinWrite(const char *filename) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
clear()BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inlinevirtual
const_iterator typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
const_reference typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Conv(const Matrix< T > &left, const Matrix< T > &right, Matrix< T > &res)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
copy(const T *v)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
destroy()TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
DetSquare() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
dim(Subscript d) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Divide(const T &scalar, Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
DivideElementwise(const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
DivideIP(const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
element_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Fill(const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >
GaussJordan()BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetAbsMaxMin(T &max, T &min) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetAbsMaxMin(double &max, double &min) constBIAS::Matrix< T >
GetCol(const int &col) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetCols() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetData()BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetData() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetDataArray() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetDataArray()BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetDataArray1() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetDataLast() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetDataLast()BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetMax(Matrix< T > &m)BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetMax() const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetMaxMin(T &max, T &min) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetMean() const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetMin(Matrix< T > &m)BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetMin() const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetNumElements() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetRow(const int &row) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetRows() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
GetSubMatrix(const size_t startRow, const size_t startCol, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, Matrix< T > &submatrix) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetSubMatrix(const Vector< int > &rows, const Vector< int > &cols, Matrix< T > &submatrix) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetSubMatrix(const Vector< int > &rows, const Vector< int > &cols) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
GetSystemMatrix(Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
initialize(Subscript M, Subscript N)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
initialize(M, N)TNT::Matrix< T >
IsIdentity(double eps=0.0) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
IsIdentity(double eps) constBIAS::Matrix< T >
IsZero(double eps=0.0) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
IsZero(double eps) constBIAS::Matrix< T >
iterator typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Kronecker(Matrix< T > const B, Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
lbound() const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Load(const std::string &filename)BIAS::Matrix< T >
m_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
MakeSymmetric()BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix()BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(const Matrix3x3< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >explicit
Matrix(int rows, int cols)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(int rows, int cols, const T value)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(int rows, int cols, const MatrixInitType &i)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(const int rows, const int cols, const std::string &s)BIAS::Matrix< T >explicit
Matrix(const Matrix< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(const TNT::Matrix< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix(const Vector< T > &v)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
TNT::Matrix::Matrix(Subscript M, Subscript N, const T *v)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
TNT::Matrix::Matrix(Subscript M, Subscript N, const std::string &s)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Matrix2x3()BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
Matrix2x3(const MatrixInitType &i)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inlineexplicit
Matrix2x3(const Matrix2x3< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
Matrix2x3(const TNT::Matrix< T > &A)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
Matrix2x3(const T a0, const T a1, const T a2, const T a3, const T a4, const T a5)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >
mn_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
Mult(const Vector3< T > &argvec, Vector2< T > &destvec) const BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
Mult(const Matrix3x3< T > &argmat, Matrix2x3< T > &destmat) const BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::Mult(const Matrix< T > &arg, Matrix< T > &result) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::Mult(const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::Mult(const Vector< T > &arg, Vector< T > &result) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Multiply(const T &scalar, Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
MultiplyIP(const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
MultiplyWithTransposeOf(const Matrix< T > &arg, Matrix< T > &result) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
MultLeft(const Vector2< T > &argvec, Vector3< T > &destvec) const BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
MultLeft(const Vector2< T > &argvec) const BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::MultLeft(const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::MultLeft(const Vector< T > &arg, Vector< T > &result) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
n_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
newsize(int rows, int cols)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::newsize(Subscript M, Subscript N)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Normalize()BIAS::Matrix< T >
NormalizeCols()BIAS::Matrix< T >
NormalizeColsToOne(const int norm_row_index)BIAS::Matrix< T >
NormalizeRows()BIAS::Matrix< T >
NormalizeRowsToOne(const int norm_col_index)BIAS::Matrix< T >
NormFrobenius() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
NormL1() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
NormL2() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
num_cols() const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
num_rows() const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator!=(const Matrix< T > &argl, const Matrix< T > &argr)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator()(Subscript i)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator()(Subscript i) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator()(Subscript i, Subscript j)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator()(Subscript i, Subscript j) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator*(const Matrix2x3< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >related
operator*(const T &scalar, const Matrix2x3< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >related
BIAS::Matrix::operator*(const Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
BIAS::Matrix::operator*(const T &scalar, const Matrix< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
BIAS::Matrix::operator*(const Matrix3x3< T > &argLeft, const Matrix< T > &argMat)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
TNT::Matrix::operator*(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
TNT::Matrix::operator*(const Matrix< T > &A, const Vector< T > &x)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator*=(Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator+(const Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator+(const T &scalar, const Matrix< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
TNT::Matrix::operator+(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator+=(Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator+=(Matrix< T > &mat, const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator-(const Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator-(const T &scalar, const Matrix< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
TNT::Matrix::operator-(const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator-=(Matrix< T > &mat, const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator-=(Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator/(const Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator/=(Matrix< T > &mat, const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< unsigned char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator=(const Matrix2x3< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >
BIAS::Matrix::operator=(const TNT::Matrix< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
BIAS::Matrix::operator=(const Matrix< T > &mat)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
TNT::Matrix::operator=(const T &scalar)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator==(const Matrix< T > &argl, const Matrix< T > &argr)BIAS::Matrix< T >related
operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< unsigned char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< char > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator>>(std::istream &s, Matrix< T > &A)TNT::Matrix< T >related
operator[](Subscript i)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
operator[](Subscript i) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
pointer typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Print(std::ostream &s, const int width, const int precision, bool scientific=true) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Print(std::ostream &s, const bool intCastOutput=false, const bool binaryOutput=false, const bool forceFullPrecision=false) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
PrintPretty(std::ostream &s, const std::string &name="", const int width=8, const bool alignLeft=true) const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
Read(std::istream &s, const bool intCastInput=false, const bool binaryInput=false)TNT::Matrix< T >inline
reference typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
row_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
rowm1_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
Save(const std::string &filename) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
ScaleCol(int NoCol, T scale)BIAS::Matrix< T >
ScaleRow(int NoRow, T scale)BIAS::Matrix< T >
Set(const int row, const int col, const Matrix< T > &data)BIAS::Matrix< T >
Set(const int row, const int col, const Vector< T > &data)BIAS::Matrix< T >
set(const T &val)TNT::Matrix< T >inlineprotected
set(value)TNT::Matrix< T >
SetCol(const int row, const Vector< T > &data)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetIdentity()BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
SetRow(const int row, const Vector< T > &data)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Matrix< T > &submatrix, const size_t startRowInSub, const size_t startColInSub, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Matrix3x3< T > &submatrix)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetSubMatrix(const size_t startRowInThis, const size_t startColInThis, const Vector3< T > &subvector)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetTranspose(const int row, const int col, const Vector< T > &data)BIAS::Matrix< T >
SetZero()BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
size() const TNT::Matrix< T >inline
size_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Sub(const T &scalar, Matrix< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
SubIP(const Matrix< T > &arg)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
SubIP(const T &scalar)BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
SwapRows(const int i, const int r)BIAS::Matrix< T >
Trace() const BIAS::Matrix< T >inline
Transpose() const BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inline
v_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
value_type typedefTNT::Matrix< T >
Vec(Vector< T > &dest) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
vm1_TNT::Matrix< T >protected
WriteMatlab(std::ostream &ostr, const std::string &name) const BIAS::Matrix< T >
~Matrix()BIAS::Matrix< T >virtual
~Matrix2x3()BIAS::Matrix2x3< T >inlinevirtual