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BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >, including all inherited members.

DrawTextWx()BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >inline
EHorizontalAlign enum nameBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
EVerticalAlign enum nameBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
GetTextExtend(const std::string &text, unsigned &width, unsigned &height, const unsigned point_size=8)BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >static
H_ALIGN_CENTER enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
H_ALIGN_LEFT enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
H_ALIGN_RIGHT enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
Text(Image< StorageType > &im, const std::string &text, const unsigned &pos_x, const unsigned &pos_y, const ColourRGB< StorageType > &foreground_color=COLOR_WHITE, const ColourRGB< StorageType > &background_color=COLOR_BLACK, const unsigned point_size=8, const enum EVerticalAlign vertical_align=V_ALIGN_TOP, const enum EHorizontalAlign horizontal_align=H_ALIGN_LEFT)BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >static
V_ALIGN_BOTTOM enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
V_ALIGN_CENTER enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
V_ALIGN_TOP enum valueBIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >
~DrawTextWx()BIAS::DrawTextWx< StorageType >inline