Basic Image AlgorithmS Library  2.8.0
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BIAS::GenGroundTruth Member List

This is the complete list of members for BIAS::GenGroundTruth, including all inherited members.

CreateIdealMatches(std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &pvec, unsigned num, unsigned width, unsigned height, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &matches, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &points, double minx=-50.0, double maxx=50.0, double miny=-50.0, double maxy=50.0, double minz=-50.0, double maxz=50.0)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
CreateMatches(std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &pvec, unsigned num, unsigned width, unsigned height, double spatial_noise, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &i_matches, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &n_matches, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &points, double minx=-50.0, double maxx=50.0, double miny=-50.0, double maxy=50.0, double minz=-50.0, double maxz=50.0)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
CreateMatches(std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &pvec, std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &n_pvec, unsigned num, unsigned width, unsigned height, double spatial_noise, double r_noise, double c_noise, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &i_matches, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &n_matches, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &points, double minx=-50.0, double maxx=50.0, double miny=-50.0, double maxy=50.0, double minz=-50.0, double maxz=50.0, bool print=false)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
CreateMatchesOutlier(std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &pvec, std::vector< BIAS::PMatrix > &n_pvec, unsigned num, unsigned width, unsigned height, double spatial_noise, double r_noise, double c_noise, double outlier_fraction, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &i_matches, std::vector< std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > > &n_matches, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &points, double minx=-50.0, double maxx=50.0, double miny=-50.0, double maxy=50.0, double minz=-50.0, double maxz=50.0, bool print=false)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
DeNormalizeMatches(std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match1, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match2, BIAS::KMatrix K)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
DrawMatches(BIAS::Image< unsigned char > &im, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match1, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match2, unsigned char lcolor, unsigned char mcolor)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
GenerateRandomCube(std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &Points, int n=200, double aX=-50.0, double aY=-50.0, double aZ=-50.0, double alphaX=1.0, double alphaY=0.0, double alphaZ=0.0, double betaX=0.0, double betaY=1.0, double betaZ=0.0, double gammaX=0.0, double gammaY=0.0, double gammaZ=1.0, double alphamax=100.0, double betamax=100.0, double gammamax=100.0)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
GenerateRandomPlane(std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &Points, int n=200, double aX=-50.0, double aY=-50.0, double aZ=0.0, double alphaX=1.0, double alphaY=0.0, double alphaZ=0.0, double betaX=0.0, double betaY=1.0, double betaZ=0.0, double alphamax=100.0, double betamax=100.0)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
NormalizeMatches(std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match1, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &match2, BIAS::KMatrix K)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
ReadCorrespondences(const char *Filename, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &Points1, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &Points2)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
ReadWorldPoints(const char *Filename, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &Points)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
WriteCorrespondences(const char *Filename, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &Points1, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint2D > &Points2)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic
WriteWorldPoints(const char *Filename, std::vector< BIAS::HomgPoint3D > &Points)BIAS::GenGroundTruthstatic