Basic Image AlgorithmS Library  2.8.0
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Groups Pages
1 /*
2 This file is part of the BIAS library (Basic ImageAlgorithmS).
4 Copyright (C) 2003-2009 (see file CONTACT for details)
5  Multimediale Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung
6  Institut fuer Informatik
7  Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel
10 BIAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
13 (at your option) any later version.
15 BIAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 along with BIAS; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 */
26 #include "Tracker.hh"
27 #include "TrackerBaseSimple.hh"
28 #include "TrackerBaseAffine.hh"
29 #include "TrackerBaseAffine2.hh"
30 #include "TrackerBaseHomography.hh"
31 #include "TrackerBaseWeighted.hh"
32 #include "TrackerBaseWeighted1D.hh"
33 #include <Base/Image/ImageIO.hh>
34 #include <Base/Common/BIASpragma.hh>
35 #include <Base/Image/ImageConvert.hh>
36 #include <Filter/GradientSobel3x3.hh>
37 #include <Filter/Binomial.hh>
39  //#define TIMING
40 #ifdef TIMING
41 #include <Base/Debug/TimeMeasure.hh>
42 #endif
44 using namespace BIAS;
45 using namespace std;
47 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
48 double totalitersum=0.0;
49 #endif
51 #define DFLT_PYSIZE 4
54 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 // implementation
56 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
58 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
60 Tracker(int tracker_type) {
61  this->tb_ = NULL;
62  SetTrackerType(tracker_type);
64  PyIndex_ = 0;
66  MaxIter_.newsize(DFLT_PYSIZE);
67  for (int i=0; i<DFLT_PYSIZE; i++) MaxIter_[i]=5;
69  HalfWinSize_.newsize(DFLT_PYSIZE);
70  for (int i=0; i<DFLT_PYSIZE; i++) HalfWinSize_[i]=3;
72  MaxError_.newsize(DFLT_PYSIZE);
73  for (int i=0; i<DFLT_PYSIZE; i++) MaxError_[i]=0.1;
75  MaxResiduumMAD_.newsize(DFLT_PYSIZE);
76  for (int i=0; i<DFLT_PYSIZE; i++) MaxResiduumMAD_[i]=10.0;
78  UseCoarserPointIfLost_ = false;
80  // filter masks
81  LowpassFM_ = FilterMask(Vector3<FM_FLOAT>( 1, 2, 1),
82  Vector3<FM_FLOAT>( 1, 2, 1));
83  GradXFM_ = FilterMask(Vector3<FM_FLOAT>(-1, 0, 1),
84  Vector3<FM_FLOAT>( 1, 2, 1));
85  GradYFM_ = FilterMask(Vector3<FM_FLOAT>( 1, 2, 1),
86  Vector3<FM_FLOAT>(-1, 0, 1));
88  LastImage_ = NULL;
89  LastGradX_ = NULL;
90  LastGradY_ = NULL;
91 }
94 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
97 {
98  if (tb_)
99  delete tb_;
100 }
102 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
107 {
108  // BIASASSERT((pim && gradx && grady) || (!pim && !gradx && !grady));
109  // BIASASSERT(!pim || (pim->Size() == gradx->Size() &&
110  // pim->Size() == grady->Size()));
112  if (LastImage_) { delete LastImage_; LastImage_ = NULL; }
113  if (LastGradX_) { delete LastGradX_; LastGradX_ = NULL; }
114  if (LastGradY_) { delete LastGradY_; LastGradY_ = NULL; }
116  if (pim ){
117  LastImage_ = pim->ShallowClone();
118  }
119  if(gradx && grady) {
120  LastGradX_ = gradx->ShallowClone();
121  LastGradY_ = grady->ShallowClone();
122  }
123 }
125 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
128 {
129  Points_.clear();
130  PredictedPoints_.clear();
131  NumIter_.clear();
132  DisplInLastIter_.clear();
133  ResiduiMAD_.clear();
134  ResiduiMSD_.clear();
135  res_.clear(); // rabe, 11.11.2004
136  Cov_.clear();
137 }
139 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
141 ResizeInternals_(const int pysize)
142 {
143  if (Points_.size() != (unsigned)pysize){
144  Points_.resize(pysize);
145  PredictedPoints_.resize(pysize);
146  NumIter_.resize(pysize);
147  DisplInLastIter_.resize(pysize);
148  ResiduiMAD_.resize(pysize);
149  ResiduiMSD_.resize(pysize);
150  res_.resize(pysize);
151  Cov_.resize(pysize);
152  AffineResults_.resize(pysize);
153  }
154 }
156 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
158 ResizeInternals_(const int pysize, const int num_points)
159 {
160  ResizeInternals_(pysize);
162  // dherzog: replaced '<numnew' by '!=numnew', because Track() asserts sizes
163  if ((int)Points_[PyIndex_].size() != num_points){
164  HomgPoint2D pz(42.0, 42.0, 1.0);
165  p2tracked_.resize(num_points, pz);
166  AffinePrediction_.resize(num_points);
167  for (int p = PyIndex_; p < pysize; p++){
168  res_[p].resize(num_points);
169  Points_[p].resize(num_points);
170  PredictedPoints_[p].resize(num_points);
171  NumIter_[p].resize(num_points);
172  DisplInLastIter_[p].resize(num_points);
173  ResiduiMAD_[p].resize(num_points);
174  ResiduiMSD_[p].resize(num_points);
175  Cov_[p].resize(num_points);
176  AffineResults_[p].resize(num_points);
177  }
178  }
179 }
181 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
183 ReserveInternals_(const int pysize, const int newsize)
184 {
185  int pyindex = PyIndex_;
186  for (int p=pyindex; p<pysize; p++){
187  res_[p].reserve(newsize);
188  Points_[p].reserve(newsize);
189  PredictedPoints_[p].reserve(newsize);
190  NumIter_[p].reserve(newsize);
191  DisplInLastIter_[p].reserve(newsize);
192  ResiduiMAD_[p].reserve(newsize);
193  ResiduiMSD_[p].reserve(newsize);
194  Cov_[p].reserve(newsize);
195  AffineResults_[p].resize(newsize);
196  }
197 }
200 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
203 {
204  ClearPoints();
205  ReplaceLastImages(NULL, NULL, NULL);
206 }
208 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
210 DetermineROI_(int &tlx, int &tly, int &brx, int &bry) const
211 {
212  BIASASSERT(LastImage_ && LastGradX_ && LastGradY_);
213  (*LastImage_)[PyIndex_]->GetROI()->GetCorners(tlx, tly, brx, bry);
214  int gxtlx, gxtly, gxbrx, gxbry;
215  (*LastGradX_)[PyIndex_]->GetROI()->GetCorners(gxtlx, gxtly, gxbrx, gxbry);
216  int gytlx, gytly, gybrx, gybry;
217  (*LastGradY_)[PyIndex_]->GetROI()->GetCorners(gytlx, gytly, gybrx, gybry);
219  tlx = max(tlx, max(gxtlx, gytlx));
220  tly = max(tly, max(gxtly, gytly));
221  brx = min(brx, min(gxbrx, gybrx));
222  bry = min(bry, min(gxbry, gybry));
224  tlx += HalfWinSize_[PyIndex_];
225  tly += HalfWinSize_[PyIndex_];
226  brx -= HalfWinSize_[PyIndex_];
227  bry -= HalfWinSize_[PyIndex_];
228 }
231 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
233 FillUpPoints(const vector<HomgPoint2D>& points,
234  const vector<float>& qual)
235 {
236  // compute MinBorderDist
237  int lpx, lpy, gx, gy;
238  LowpassFM_.GetSize(lpx, lpy);
239  GradXFM_.GetSize(gx, gy);
240  int MinBorderDist =
241  max((lpx-1)/2, (lpy-1)/2) +
242  max((gx-1)/2, (gy-1)/2) +
243  HalfWinSize_[PyIndex_];
245  //AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP);
246  BIASASSERT(LastImage_!=NULL);
247  BIASASSERT(Points_.size()>0);
248  const int pysize=(int)LastImage_->size();
249  const double factor=1.0/LastImage_->GetRescaleFactor();
250  const double offset=LastImage_->GetPositionOffset();
251  int numnew=points.size();
252  const int size=Points_[0].size();
253  const int pyindex=PyIndex_;
254  HomgPoint2D p2d;
255  Matrix2x2<double> zero2x2; zero2x2.SetZero();
256  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_INIT, "min distance to image border "
257  <<MinBorderDist<<endl);
258  int tlx, tly, brx, bry;
259  (*LastImage_)[pyindex]->GetROI()->GetCorners(tlx, tly, brx, bry);
260  const double minx=MinBorderDist+tlx;
261  const double miny=MinBorderDist+tly;
262  const double maxx=brx-MinBorderDist;
263  const double maxy=bry-MinBorderDist;
265 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
266  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "minx" << minx << "miny" << miny <<
267  "maxx" << maxx << "maxy" << maxy << endl);
268 #endif
269  int n=0, num=0;
270  while (n<numnew && (points[n].IsAtInfinity() ||
271  !(points[n][0]>minx && points[n][1]>miny &&
272  points[n][0]<maxx && points[n][1]<maxy)))
273  n++;
274 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
275  if (n<numnew)
276  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "next new point is "<<points[n]<<endl);
277 #endif
278  for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
279  if (n<numnew){
280  if (Points_[pyindex][i].IsAtInfinity()){
281  p2d=points[n];
282  p2d.Homogenize();
283  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, setw(3)<<i<<" : replacing "
284  <<Points_[pyindex][i]<<" with "<<p2d<<endl);
285  for (int p=pyindex; p<pysize; p++){
286  Points_[p][i]=p2d;
287  NumIter_[p][i]=-1;
288  DisplInLastIter_[p][i]=-1.0;
289  ResiduiMAD_[p][i]=-1.0;
290  ResiduiMSD_[p][i]=-1.0;
291  p2d[0]-=offset;
292  p2d[1]-=offset;
293  p2d[0]*=factor;
294  p2d[1]*=factor;
295  res_[p][i]=(int)rint(qual[n]);
296  Cov_[p][i]=zero2x2;
297  }
298  n++; num++;
299  while (n<numnew && ( points[n].IsAtInfinity() ||
300  !(points[n][0]>minx && points[n][1]>miny &&
301  points[n][0]<maxx && points[n][1]<maxy)))
302  n++;
303 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
304  if (n<numnew)
305  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "next new point is "<<points[n]<<endl);
306 #endif
307  } else {
308 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
309  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, setw(3)<<i<<" : "<<Points_[pyindex][i]
310  <<" is still valid: ");
311  for (int p=pyindex+1; p<pysize; p++){
312  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, p<<": "<<Points_[p][i]);
313  }
315 #endif
316  }
317  } else {
318  num=-num;
319  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "not enought points in points "
320  <<numnew<<endl);
321  break;
322  }
323  }
324  return num;
325 }
328 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
330 ReplacePoints(const vector<HomgPoint2D>& points,
331  const vector<float>& qual)
332 {
333  assert("deprecated, uese ReplaceAllPoints instead" && false);
334  //AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP);
335  BIASASSERT(LastImage_!=NULL);
336  BIASASSERT(Points_.size()>0);
337  const int pysize=(int)LastImage_->size();
338  const double factor=1.0/LastImage_->GetRescaleFactor();
339  const double offset=LastImage_->GetPositionOffset();
340  const int numnew=points.size();
342  const int size=Points_[0].size();
343  BIASASSERT(size==numnew);
344 #endif
345  const int pyindex=PyIndex_;
346  HomgPoint2D p2d;
347  Matrix2x2<double> zero2x2; zero2x2.SetZero();
349  int n=0, num=0;
350  while (n<numnew){
351  while (n<numnew && points[n].IsAtInfinity()) n++;
352  if (n<numnew){
353 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
354  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "next new point is "<<points[n]<<endl);
355 #endif
356  p2d=points[n];
357  p2d.Homogenize();
358  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, setw(3)<<n<<" : replacing "
359  <<Points_[pyindex][n]<<" with "<<p2d<<endl);
360  for (int p=pyindex; p<pysize; p++){
361  Points_[p][n]=p2d;
362  NumIter_[p][n]=-1;
363  DisplInLastIter_[p][n]=-1.0;
364  ResiduiMAD_[p][n]=-1.0;
365  ResiduiMSD_[p][n]=-1.0;
366  p2d[0]-=offset;
367  p2d[1]-=offset;
368  p2d[0]*=factor;
369  p2d[1]*=factor;
370  res_[p][n]=(int)rint(qual[n]);
371  Cov_[p][n]=zero2x2;
372  }
373  n++; num++;
374  }
375  }
376  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "replaced "<<num<<" points"<<endl);
377  return n;
378 }
381 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
383 ReplaceAllPoints(const vector<HomgPoint2D>& points,
384  const vector<float>& qual)
385 {
386  //AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP);
387  BIASASSERT(LastImage_!=NULL);
388  const int numnew=points.size();
389  const int pysize=(int)LastImage_->size();
390  const double factor=1.0/LastImage_->GetRescaleFactor();
391  const double offset=LastImage_->GetPositionOffset();
392  const int pyindex=PyIndex_;
393  // dherzog: replaced '<numnew' by '!=numnew', because Track() asserts sizes
394  if ((int)Points_.size() != pysize || (int)Points_[pyindex].size()!=numnew) {
395  ClearPoints();
396  ResizeInternals_(pysize, numnew);
397  }
399  HomgPoint2D p2d;
400  Matrix2x2<double> zero2x2; zero2x2.SetZero();
402  for (int n=0; n<numnew; n++){
403  p2d = points[n];
404  p2d.Homogenize();
405  BIASASSERT(!p2d.IsAtInfinity());
406  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, setw(3)<<n<<" : replacing "
407  <<Points_[pyindex][n]);
408  for (int p=pyindex; p<pysize; p++){
409  res_[p][n] = (int)rint(qual[n]);
410  Points_[p][n] = p2d;
411  PredictedPoints_[p][n] = p2d;
412  BIASASSERT(!Points_[p][n].IsAtInfinity());
413  BIASASSERT(!PredictedPoints_[p][n].IsAtInfinity());
414  NumIter_[p][n] = -1;
415  DisplInLastIter_[p][n] = -1.0;
416  ResiduiMAD_[p][n] = -1.0;
417  ResiduiMSD_[p][n] = -1.0;
418  Cov_[p][n] = zero2x2;
420  p2d[0] -= offset;
421  p2d[1] -= offset;
422  p2d[0] *= factor;
423  p2d[1] *= factor;
424  }
425  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, " with "<<Points_[pyindex][n]<<endl);
426  }
427  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_FILL_UP, "replaced "<<numnew<<" points"<<endl);
429  PadPoints_(numnew);
431  return numnew;
432 }
435 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
436 static int Tracker_GlobalImageCounter=0;
437 #endif
439 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
447 {
448 #ifdef TIMING
449  TimeMeasure timer;
450  timer.Start();
451 #endif
452  int fres=0, gres=0;
453 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
454  BIASASSERT(im.GetChannelCount()==1);
455  BIASASSERT(im.GetColorModel()==ImageBase::CM_Grey);
456 #endif
457  // cout << "pim before init:\n";
458  // pim.Dump();
460  const unsigned py_size = pim.size();
461  if (pim.size()==0 || !im.SamePixelAndChannelCount(*pim[0])){
462  if (!pim.IsEmpty()) pim.Clear();
465  pim.Init(im2,py_size);
466  //pim.Init(im.GetWidth(), im.GetHeight(), 1, py_size); //this doesn'T create any image surfaces anymore...
467  pim.SetZero();
468  }
469  if (gx.size()==0 || !im.SamePixelAndChannelCount(*gx[0])){
470  if (!gx.IsEmpty()) gx.Clear();
471  Image<CalculationType> gr(im.GetWidth(),im.GetHeight()); //dummy image
472  gx.Init(gr,py_size);
473  //gx.Init(im.GetWidth(), im.GetHeight(), 1, py_size);
474  gx.SetZero();
475  }
476  if (gy.size()==0 || !im.SamePixelAndChannelCount(*gy[0])){
477  if (!gy.IsEmpty()) gy.Clear();
478  Image<CalculationType> gr(im.GetWidth(),im.GetHeight()); //dummy image
479  gy.Init(gr,py_size);
480  //gy.Init(im.GetWidth(), im.GetHeight(), 1, py_size);
481  gy.SetZero();
482  }
484  // cout << "pim after init:\n";
485  // pim.Dump();
487 #ifdef TIMING
488  timer.Stop();
489  cerr << "initializing pyramid images took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
490  timer.Reset();
491  timer.Start();
492 #endif
494 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
495  ostringstream os;
496  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_WRITE_IM)){
497  os.str("");
498  os << "input-im"<<setw(3)<<setfill('0')<<Tracker_GlobalImageCounter
499  <<".mip";
500  Image<StorageType> tmp_im=im;
501  //if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), tmp_im)!=0){
502  if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), tmp_im)!=0){
503  BIASERR("error writing "<<os.str());
504  }
505  }
506 #endif
508  //lowpass_->AddDebugLevel(D_CONV_KERNEL);
509  //lowpass_->AddDebugLevel(D_FILTERBASE_CALLSTACK);
510  //lowpass_->AddDebugLevel(D_WRITE_IMAGES);
511  if((fres=lowpass.Filter(im, *(pim[0])))!=0){
512  BIASERR("filtering failed "<<fres);
513  }
514  // lowpass_->PrintKernel();
516 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
517  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_WRITE_IM)){
518  os.str("");
519  os << "pyim-lowpass-im"<<setw(3)<<setfill('0')<<Tracker_GlobalImageCounter
520  << "-pyind"<<setw(1)<<setfill('0')<<0<<".mip";
521  //if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *pim[0])!=0){
522  if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *pim[0])!=0){
523  BIASERR("error writing "<<os.str());
524  }
525  }
526 #endif
528  //lowpass_->RemoveDebugLevel(D_CONV_KERNEL);
529 #ifdef TIMING
530  timer.Stop();
531  cerr << "lowpass took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
532  timer.Reset();
533  timer.Start();
534 #endif
536  pim.Downsample();
538 #ifdef TIMING
539  timer.Stop();
540  cerr << "downsampling took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
541  timer.Reset();
542  timer.Start();
543 #endif
545  const int pysize=pim.size(); // comes from parameter
546  for (int p=0; p<pysize; p++){
547  if((gres=grad.Filter(*pim[p], *gx[p], *gy[p]))!=0){
548  BIASERR("gradient failed "<<gres);
549  break;
550  }
551 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
552  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_WRITE_IM)){
553  os.str("");
554  os << "pyim-im"<<setw(3)<<setfill('0')<<Tracker_GlobalImageCounter
555  << "-pyind"<<setw(1)<<setfill('0')<<p<<".mip";
556  //if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *pim[p])!=0){
557  if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *pim[p])!=0){
558  BIASERR("error writing "<<os.str());
559  }
560  os.str("");
561  os << "pygx-im"<<setw(3)<<setfill('0')<<Tracker_GlobalImageCounter
562  << "-pyind"<<setw(1)<<setfill('0')<<p<<".mip";
563  //if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *gx[p])!=0){
564  if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *gx[p])!=0){
565  BIASERR("error writing "<<os.str());
566  }
567  os.str("");
568  os << "pygy-im"<<setw(3)<<setfill('0')<<Tracker_GlobalImageCounter
569  << "-pyind"<<setw(1)<<setfill('0')<<p<<".mip";
570  //if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *gy[p])!=0){
571  if (ImageIO::Save(os.str(), *gy[p])!=0){
572  BIASERR("error writing "<<os.str());
573  }
574  }
575 #endif
576  }
577 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
578  Tracker_GlobalImageCounter++;
579 #endif
580 #ifdef TIMING
581  timer.Stop();
582  cerr << "gradients took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
583  timer.Reset();
584  timer.Start();
585 #endif
586  return (fres==0 && gres==0)?0:-1;
587 }
589 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
593 {
594 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
595  BIASASSERT(im.GetChannelCount()==1);
596  BIASASSERT(im.GetColorModel()==ImageBase::CM_Grey);
597 #endif
599  const unsigned py_size = pim.size();
600  if (pim.size()==0 || !im.SamePixelAndChannelCount(*pim[0])){
601  if (!pim.IsEmpty()) pim.Clear();
602  pim.Init(im.GetWidth(), im.GetHeight(), 1, py_size);
603  pim.SetZero();
604  }
607  if (im.GetStorageType()==pim[0]->GetStorageType()) {
608  *pim[0] = im;
609  } else {
610  ImageConvert::ConvertST(im, *pim[0], pim[0]->GetStorageType());
611  }
613  pim.Downsample();
615  return 0;
616 }
618 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
624 {
627  return PreparePyramide(im, pim, gx, gy, grad, lowpass);
628 }
630 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
633 {
634  return Track(pim, Points_[PyIndex_]);
635 }
637 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
640  const vector<HomgPoint2D>& prediction,
641  const vector<Matrix2x2<KLT_TYPE> >& AffinePred)
642 {
643 #ifdef TIMING
644  TimeMeasure timer;
645  timer.Start();
646 #endif
647  int num=0;
648  const int pysize=(int)pim.size();
649  const double factor=pim.GetRescaleFactor();
650  const double offset=pim.GetPositionOffset();
651  const Matrix2x2<double> K(factor, 0.0, 0.0, factor);
652  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_GKLT);
653  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_INIT);
654  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_REJECT);
656  BIASASSERT(PyIndex_>=0 && PyIndex_<pysize);
658  if (LastImage_){
659 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
660  if ((&pim)==LastImage_){
661  BIASERR("do not remove image between successive calls of Track\n"
662  <<&pim<<"!="<<LastImage_);
663  // BIASERR("do not remove image between successive calls of Track\n"
664  // <<(int)(&pim)<<"!="<<(int)(LastImage_));
665  }
666  BIASASSERT((&pim)!=LastImage_);
667  // AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKER_IMAGES);
668  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_IMAGES)){
669  pim.WriteImages("act-py"); LastImage_->WriteImages("last-py");
670  }
671 #endif
673  const int pyindex=PyIndex_;
674  const int nump=Points_[pyindex].size();
676  // fill PredictedPoints_ and Points_
677  PredictedPoints_[pyindex]=prediction;
679  const double ifac=1.0/factor;
680  for (int p=pyindex+1; p<pysize; p++){
681  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++){
682  Points_[p][i][0]=(Points_[p-1][i][0]-offset)*ifac;
683  Points_[p][i][1]=(Points_[p-1][i][1]-offset)*ifac;
684  PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]=(PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]-offset)*ifac;
685  PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]=(PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]-offset)*ifac;
686  }
687  }
689  const bool Affine = (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType>*>(tb_) != NULL) || (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine2<CalculationType>*>(tb_) != NULL) ;
690  if (Affine) {
691  if ((int)AffinePred.size()==nump) {
692  // copy from vector
693  AffinePrediction_ = AffinePred;
694  } else {
695  // have no prediction, start with identity
696  AffinePrediction_.resize(nump);
697  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++) {
698  AffinePrediction_[i].SetIdentity();
699  }
700  }
701  }
703 #ifdef TIMING
704  timer.Stop();
705  cerr << "initializing "<<nump<<" points took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
706  timer.Reset();
707  timer.Start();
708 #endif
710  // now do the actual tracking, starting on smallest pyramid level
711  for (int p=pysize-1;p>=pyindex; p--){
712  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, "---- pyramid level "<<p<<" ----\n");
714  tb_->SetHalfWinSize(HalfWinSize_[p]);
715  tb_->SetMaxIterations(MaxIter_[p]);
716  tb_->SetMaxError(MaxError_[p]);
717  tb_->SetMaxResiduumMAD(MaxResiduumMAD_[p]);
719  // check if size of weight matrices match pyramid size
720  if ((int)WeightMatrices_.size() == pysize)
721  {
722  tb_->SetWeightMatrix(WeightMatrices_[p]);
723  }
726  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_IMAGES)){
727  pim.WriteImages("act1-py"); LastImage_->WriteImages("last1-py");
728  }
729  tb_->Init(*(*LastImage_)[p], *pim[p], LowpassFM_,
730  GradXFM_, GradYFM_);
731 #ifdef TIMING
732  timer.Stop();
733  cerr << "initializing tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
734  timer.Reset();
735  timer.Start();
736 #endif
738  tb_->Track(Points_[p], PredictedPoints_[p], p2tracked_,
739  DisplInLastIter_[p], NumIter_[p], ResiduiMAD_[p],
740  ResiduiMSD_[p], res_[p],Cov_[p], AffinePrediction_,
741  &AffineResults_[p]);
743  if (Affine) {
744  // update prediction with last estimate
745  AffinePrediction_ = AffineResults_[p];
746  }
748 #ifdef TIMING
749  timer.Stop();
750  cerr << "tracking tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
751  timer.Reset();
752  timer.Start();
753 #endif
755  // check for result
756  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++){
757  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, setw(3)<<i<<" ("<<Points_[p][i][0]<<", "
758  <<Points_[p][i][1]<<") <--> ("<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]
759  <<", "<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]<<") ");
760  if (res_[p][i]>=0){
761  Points_[p][i]=p2tracked_[i];
762  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, " -> ("<<p2tracked_[i][0]<<", "
763  <<p2tracked_[i][1]<<") in "<<NumIter_[p][i]
764  <<" iterations with err "<<DisplInLastIter_[p][i]
765  <<" code "<<res_[p][i]
766  <<" residuumMAD "<<ResiduiMAD_[p][i]
767  <<" residuumMSD "<<ResiduiMSD_[p][i]<<endl);
768  if (p==pyindex) {
769  num++;
770  } else {
771  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]=Points_[p][i][0]*factor+offset;
772  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]=Points_[p][i][1]*factor+offset;
773  }
774  } else { // if (res_[p][i]>=0){
775  BIASCDOUT((D_TRACKER_ERROR | D_TRACKER_TRACK), " error tracking: "
776  <<Points_[p][i]<<" on py level "<<p<<" result code "
777  <<res_[p][i]<<endl);
778  // cerr <<" error tracking: "<<res_[p][i]<<endl;
779  // cerr << setw(3)<<i<<" ("<<Points_[p][i][0]<<", "
780  // <<Points_[p][i][1]<<") <--> ("<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]
781  // <<", "<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]<<") "<<endl;
783  if ( UseCoarserPointIfLost_ &&
784  (p!=(pysize-1) && res_[p+1][i]>=0 && p!=pyindex) ) {
785  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]=Points_[p+1][i][0]*factor+offset;
786  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]=Points_[p+1][i][1]*factor+offset;
788  if (res_[p+1][i]!=0){
789  res_[p][i]=res_[p+1][i];
790  NumIter_[p][i]=NumIter_[p+1][i];
791  DisplInLastIter_[p][i]=DisplInLastIter_[p+1][i]*factor;
792  ResiduiMAD_[p][i]=ResiduiMAD_[p+1][i];
793  ResiduiMSD_[p][i]=ResiduiMSD_[p+1][i];
794  // if a random variable is transformed by a linear function
795  // with matrix F, the covariance transformed as J*cov*J^T,
796  // where J is the jacobian of F. Here the Jacobian is a
797  // matrix where the only entries on the main diagonal are the
798  // factors
799  Cov_[p][i]=(factor*factor)*Cov_[p+1][i];
800  }
801  } else {
802  // manifest the failure in homogenous coordinate
803  for (int k=pyindex; k<pysize; k++)
804  Points_[k][i][2]=0.0;
805  }
806  } // if (res_[p][i]>=0){
807  }
809 #ifdef TIMING
810  timer.Stop();
811  cerr << "checking results of tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
812  timer.Reset();
813  timer.Start();
814 #endif
816 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
817  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_NUMITER)){
818  //check number of iterations
819  double itersum=0.0;
820  for (unsigned h=0; h<NumIter_[p].size(); h++)
821  itersum+=NumIter_[p][h];
822  //cout << p << " average number of iterations "
823  // <<itersum/(double)NumIter_[p].size()<<endl;
824  totalitersum+=itersum;
825  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_NUMITER, "totalitersum "<<totalitersum<<endl);
826  }
827 #endif
828  }
830  //DumpResults(); cerr << endl << endl;
832 #ifdef TIMING
833  timer.Stop();
834  cerr << "propagating result codes through pyramide took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
835  timer.Reset();
836  timer.Start();
837 #endif
840 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
841  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_WRITE_IM)){
844  pim.GetSingleImage(wim);
845  //ImageIO::Save("py2.mip", wim);
846  ImageIO::Save("py2.mip", wim);
847  LastImage_->GetSingleImage(wim);
848  //ImageIO::Save("py1.mip", wim);
849  ImageIO::Save("py1.mip", wim);
850  }
851 #endif
854  } else {
855  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, "initialization call\n");
856  }
858  ReplaceLastImages(&pim, NULL, NULL);
860 #ifdef TIMING
861  timer.Stop();
862  cerr << "updateing iternals took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
863 #endif
865 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
866  //WriteTrackLog_(num);
867 #endif
869  return num;
870 }
872 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
877 {
878  return Track(pim, gradx, grady, Points_[PyIndex_]);
879 }
881 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
886  const vector<HomgPoint2D>& prediction,
887  const vector<Matrix2x2<KLT_TYPE> >& AffinePred)
888 {
889 #ifdef TIMING
890  TimeMeasure timer;
891  timer.Start();
892 #endif
893  int num=0;
894  const int pysize=(int)pim.size();
895  const double factor=pim.GetRescaleFactor();
896  const double offset=pim.GetPositionOffset();
897  const Matrix2x2<double> K(factor, 0.0, 0.0, factor);
898  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_GKLT);
899  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_INIT);
900  //tb_->AddDebugLevel(D_TRACKERB_REJECT);
902  BIASASSERT(PyIndex_>=0 && PyIndex_<pysize);
904  if (LastImage_ && LastGradX_ && LastGradY_){
905 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
906  if ((&pim)==LastImage_ || (&gradx)==LastGradX_ || (&grady)==LastGradY_ ){
907  /*
908  BIASERR("do not remove image between successive calls of Track\n"
909  <<(int)(&pim)<<"!="<<(int)(LastImage_)<<","<<(int)(&gradx)<<"!="
910  <<(int)(LastGradX_)<<","<<(int)(&grady)<<"!="<<(int)(LastGradY_));
911  */
912  BIASERR("do not remove image between successive calls of Track\n"
913  <<&pim<<"!="<<LastImage_<<","<<&gradx<<"!="
914  <<LastGradX_<<","<<&grady<<"!="<<LastGradY_);
915  }
916  BIASASSERT((&pim)!=LastImage_ && (&gradx)!=LastGradX_ &&
917  (&grady)!=LastGradY_ );
918  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_IMAGES)){
919  pim.WriteImages("act-py"); LastImage_->WriteImages("last-py");
920  gradx.WriteImages("act-gx"); LastGradX_->WriteImages("last-gx");
921  grady.WriteImages("act-gy"); LastGradY_->WriteImages("last-gy");
922  }
923 #endif
925  //cout << Points_.size() << endl;
926  //cout << PyIndex_ << endl;
928  const int pyindex=PyIndex_;
929  const int nump=Points_[pyindex].size();
931  // fill PredictedPoints_ and Points_
932  PredictedPoints_[pyindex]=prediction;
934  const double ifac=1.0/factor;
935  for (int p=pyindex+1; p<pysize; p++){
936  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++){
937  Points_[p][i][0]=(Points_[p-1][i][0]-offset)*ifac;
938  Points_[p][i][1]=(Points_[p-1][i][1]-offset)*ifac;
939  PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]=(PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]-offset)*ifac;
940  PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]=(PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]-offset)*ifac;
941  }
942  }
944  const bool Affine = (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType>*>(tb_) != NULL) ||(dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine2<CalculationType>*>(tb_) != NULL);
945  if (Affine) {
946  if ((int)AffinePred.size()==nump) {
947  // copy from vector
948  AffinePrediction_ = AffinePred;
949  } else {
950  // have no prediction, start with identity
951  AffinePrediction_.resize(nump);
952  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++) {
953  AffinePrediction_[i].SetIdentity();
954  }
955  }
956  }
958 #ifdef TIMING
959  timer.Stop();
960  cerr << "initializing "<<nump<<" points took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
961  timer.Reset();
962  timer.Start();
963 #endif
965  // now do the actual tracking, starting on smalles pyramid level
966  for (int p=pysize-1;p>=pyindex; p--){
967  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, "---- pyramid level "<<p<<" ----\n");
969  tb_->SetHalfWinSize(HalfWinSize_[p]);
970  tb_->SetMaxIterations(MaxIter_[p]);
971  tb_->SetMaxError(MaxError_[p]);
972  tb_->SetMaxResiduumMAD(MaxResiduumMAD_[p]);
974  // check if size of weight matrices match pyramid size
975  if ((int)WeightMatrices_.size() == pysize)
976  {
977  tb_->SetWeightMatrix(WeightMatrices_[p]);
978  }
980  tb_->Init(*(*LastImage_)[p], *pim[p], *(*LastGradX_)[p],
981  *(*LastGradY_)[p], *gradx[p], *grady[p]);
982 #ifdef TIMING
983  timer.Stop();
984  cerr << "initializing tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
985  timer.Reset();
986  timer.Start();
987 #endif
989  tb_->Track(Points_[p], PredictedPoints_[p], p2tracked_,
990  DisplInLastIter_[p], NumIter_[p], ResiduiMAD_[p],
991  ResiduiMSD_[p], res_[p],Cov_[p], AffinePrediction_,
992  &AffineResults_[p]);
994  if (Affine) {
995  // update prediction with last estimate
996  AffinePrediction_ = AffineResults_[p];
997  }
999 #ifdef TIMING
1000  timer.Stop();
1001  cerr << "tracking tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
1002  timer.Reset();
1003  timer.Start();
1004 #endif
1006  // check for result
1007  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++){
1008  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, setw(3)<<i<<" ("<<Points_[p][i][0]<<", "
1009  <<Points_[p][i][1]<<") <--> ("<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]
1010  <<", "<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]<<") ");
1011  if (res_[p][i]>=0){
1012  Points_[p][i]=p2tracked_[i];
1013  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, " -> ("<<p2tracked_[i][0]<<", "
1014  <<p2tracked_[i][1]<<") in "<<NumIter_[p][i]
1015  <<" iterations with err "<<DisplInLastIter_[p][i]
1016  <<" code "<<res_[p][i]
1017  <<" residuumMAD "<<ResiduiMAD_[p][i]
1018  <<" residuumMSD "<<ResiduiMSD_[p][i]
1019  <<" cov "<<Cov_[p][i] <<endl);
1020  if (p==pyindex) {
1021  num++;
1022  } else {
1023  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]=Points_[p][i][0]*factor+offset;
1024  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]=Points_[p][i][1]*factor+offset;
1025  }
1026  } else { // if (res_[p][i]>=0){
1027  BIASCDOUT((D_TRACKER_ERROR | D_TRACKER_TRACK), " error tracking: "
1028  <<Points_[p][i]<<" on py level "<<p<<" result code "
1029  <<res_[p][i]<<endl);
1030  // cerr <<" error tracking: "<<res_[p][i]<<endl;
1031  // cerr << setw(3)<<i<<" ("<<Points_[p][i][0]<<", "
1032  // <<Points_[p][i][1]<<") <--> ("<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][0]
1033  // <<", "<<PredictedPoints_[p][i][1]<<") "<<endl;
1034  if (!UseCoarserPointIfLost_) {
1035  // manifest the failure in homogenous coordinate
1036  // do manifest it in all pyramid levels smaller than actual
1037  // the bigger pyramid levels are taken care of by code below
1038  for (int k=p; k<pysize; k++)
1039  Points_[k][i][2]=0.0;
1040  } else {
1041  // try to propagate results from last successfull track
1042  if (p!=(pysize-1) && res_[p+1][i]>=0){
1043  if (p!=pyindex) {
1044  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][0]=Points_[p+1][i][0]*factor+offset;
1045  PredictedPoints_[p-1][i][1]=Points_[p+1][i][1]*factor+offset;
1046  }
1047  if (res_[p+1][i]!=0){
1048  res_[p][i]=res_[p+1][i];
1049  NumIter_[p][i]=NumIter_[p+1][i];
1050  DisplInLastIter_[p][i]=DisplInLastIter_[p+1][i]*factor;
1051  ResiduiMAD_[p][i]=ResiduiMAD_[p+1][i];
1052  ResiduiMSD_[p][i]=ResiduiMSD_[p+1][i];
1053  // if a random variable is transformed by a linear function with
1054  // matrix F, the covariance transformed as J*cov*J^T, where J is
1055  // the jacobian of F. Here the Jacobian is a matrix where the
1056  // only entries on the main diagonal are the factors
1057  Cov_[p][i]=(factor*factor)*Cov_[p+1][i];
1058  }
1059  }
1060  }
1061  } // if (res_[p][i]>=0){
1062  }
1064 #ifdef TIMING
1065  timer.Stop();
1066  cerr << "checking results of tb took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
1067  timer.Reset();
1068  timer.Start();
1069 #endif
1071 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
1072  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_NUMITER)){
1073  //check number of iterations
1074  double itersum=0.0;
1075  for (unsigned h=0; h<NumIter_[p].size(); h++)
1076  itersum+=NumIter_[p][h];
1077  //cout << p << " average number of iterations "
1078  // <<itersum/(double)NumIter_[p].size()<<endl;
1079  totalitersum+=itersum;
1080  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_NUMITER, "totalitersum "<<totalitersum<<endl);
1081  }
1082 #endif
1083  }
1085  //DumpResults(); cerr << endl << endl;
1087 #ifdef TIMING
1088  timer.Stop();
1089  cerr << "propagating result codes through pyramide took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
1090  timer.Reset();
1091  timer.Start();
1092 #endif
1095 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
1096  if (DebugLevelIsSet(D_TRACKER_WRITE_IM)){
1099  pim.GetSingleImage(wim);
1100  //ImageIO::Save("py2.mip", wim);
1101  ImageIO::Save("py2.mip", wim);
1102  LastImage_->GetSingleImage(wim);
1103  //ImageIO::Save("py1.mip", wim);
1104  ImageIO::Save("py1.mip", wim);
1105  gradx.GetSingleImage(gim);
1106  //ImageIO::Save("gradx2.mip", gim);
1107  ImageIO::Save("gradx2.mip", gim);
1108  LastGradX_->GetSingleImage(gim);
1109  //ImageIO::Save("gradx1.mip", gim);
1110  ImageIO::Save("gradx1.mip", gim);
1111  grady.GetSingleImage(gim);
1112  //ImageIO::Save("grady2.mip", gim);
1113  ImageIO::Save("grady2.mip", gim);
1114  LastGradY_->GetSingleImage(gim);
1115  //ImageIO::Save("grady1.mip", gim);
1116  ImageIO::Save("grady1.mip", gim);
1117  }
1118 #endif
1121  } else {
1122  BIASCDOUT(D_TRACKER_TRACK, "initialization call\n");
1123  }
1125  ReplaceLastImages(&pim, &gradx, &grady);
1127 #ifdef TIMING
1128  timer.Stop();
1129  cerr << "updateing iternals took "<<timer.GetRealTime()<<" us\n";
1130 #endif
1132 #ifdef BIAS_DEBUG
1133  //WriteTrackLog_(num);
1134 #endif
1136  return num;
1137 }
1140 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1143 {
1144  static bool first = true;
1145  static int img_num = 0;
1146  const int min_err_code = -7;
1147  static ofstream os("tracker.log");
1148  if (first){
1149  // open the file
1150  if (!os.good()){
1151  BIASERR("error opening \"tracker.log\"");
1153  }
1154  // write header
1155  os << "# reasons for lost tracks\n"
1156  << "#" << setw(4)<<"no"
1157  << setw(7) << "num"
1158  << setw(7) << "lost"
1159  << setw(7) << "ignrd";
1160  for (int r = 0; r >= min_err_code; r--){
1161  os << setw(7) << r;
1162  }
1163  os << endl;
1164  first = false;
1165  }
1167  const int pyindex = PyIndex_;
1168  if (!Points_.empty()){
1169  const int nump = Points_[pyindex].size();
1170  // count the different failure reasons
1171  // and compute mean and variance of covariances
1172  vector<int> reason(-min_err_code + 1, 0);
1173  int reas;
1174  for (int i=0; i<nump; i++){
1175  reas = res_[pyindex][i];
1176  if (reas < 0){
1177  if (reas<min_err_code) {
1179  }
1180  reason[-reas]++;
1181  } else {
1182  reason[0]++;
1183  }
1184  }
1187  os << setw(5) << img_num
1188  << setw(7) << nump
1189  << setw(7) << nump - num - reason[6]
1190  << setw(7) << reason[6];
1191  for (int r = 0; r <= -min_err_code; r++){
1192  os << setw(7) << reason[r];
1193  }
1194  os << endl << flush;
1196  img_num++;
1197  }
1198 }
1201 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1203 WriteTrackFile(deque<vector<HomgPoint2D> >& p, deque<vector<int> >& results,
1204  const string& name)
1205 {
1206  const int width=20;
1207  int i, k;
1208  ofstream os(name.c_str());
1209  if (!os){
1210  BIASERR("error opening "<<name);
1211  return -1;
1212  }
1214  os << "Feel free to place comments here.\n\n";
1216  os << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
1217  os << "!!! Warning: This is a KLT data file. Do not modify below this line !!!\n\n";
1219  os << "------------------------------\n";
1220  os << "KLT Feature Table\n";
1221  os << "------------------------------\n\n";
1223  os << "nFrames = "<<p.size()<<", nFeatures = "<<p[0].size()<<"\n\n";
1225  os << "feature | frame\n";
1226  os << " |";
1227  for (i = 0 ; i < (int)p.size() ; i++)
1228  os << setw(width)<<i;
1229  os << "\n";
1230  os << "--------+";
1231  for (i = 0 ; i < (int)p.size() ; i++)
1232  for (k=0; k<width; k++) os << "-";
1233  os << "\n";
1234  if (!os){
1235  BIASERR("error writing "<<name);
1236  return -1;
1237  }
1238  os.close();
1241  FILE *fp=fopen(name.c_str(), "ab");
1242  for (k=0; k<(int)p[0].size(); k++){ // k = feature
1243  fprintf(fp, "%7d | ", k);
1244  for (i=0; i<(int)p.size(); i++){ // i = image
1245  // cout << p[i][k] << endl;
1246  //cout << residui[i][k] << endl;
1247  if (!p[i][k].IsAtInfinity()){
1248  fprintf(fp, "(%7.3f,%7.3f)=%5d ", p[i][k][0], p[i][k][1],
1249  results[i][k]);
1250  } else {
1251  fprintf(fp, "(%7.3f,%7.3f)=%5d ", -1.0, -1.0, results[i][k]);
1252  }
1253  }
1254  fprintf(fp, "\n");
1255  }
1257  fclose(fp);
1258  return 0;
1259 }
1261 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1263 PadPoints_(const int start)
1264 {
1265  const int pysize = (int)LastImage_->size();
1266  const int pyindex = PyIndex_;
1267  const int num = static_cast<int>(Points_[pyindex].size());
1268  for (int i=start; i<num; i++){
1269  for (int p=pyindex; p<pysize; p++){
1270  Points_[p][i][2] = 0.0;
1271  }
1272  }
1273 }
1275 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1278 {
1279  // check Tracker Type
1280  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseSimple<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1281  return TT_Simple;
1282  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseHomography<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1283  return TT_Homography;
1284  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1285  {
1286  if ((dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType> *>(tb_))->IsSimilarityTransformOnly())
1287  return TT_Similar;
1288  else
1289  return TT_Affine;
1290  }
1291  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine2<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1292  {
1293  if ((dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseAffine2<CalculationType> *>(tb_))->IsSimilarityTransformOnly())
1294  return TT_Similar;
1295  else
1296  return TT_Affine2;
1297  }
1298  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseWeighted<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1299  return TT_SimpleWeighted;
1300  if (dynamic_cast<TrackerBaseWeighted1D<CalculationType> *>(tb_))
1301  return TT_Weighted1D;
1303  return TT_Invalid;
1304 }
1306 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1308 SetTrackerType(int tracker_type)
1309 {
1310  if (tb_) {
1311  delete tb_;
1312  tb_ = NULL;
1313  }
1314  switch(tracker_type){
1315  case TT_Simple:
1317  break;
1318  case TT_Similar:
1319  tb_ = new TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType>(true);
1320  break;
1321  case TT_Affine:
1322  tb_ = new TrackerBaseAffine<CalculationType>(false);
1323  break;
1324  case TT_Homography:
1326  break;
1327  case TT_Affine2:
1328  tb_ = new TrackerBaseAffine2<CalculationType>(false);
1329  break;
1330  case TT_SimpleWeighted:
1332  break;
1333  case TT_Weighted1D:
1335  break;
1336  default:
1337  BIASERR("Unknown tracker type");
1339  break;
1340  }
1341 }
1343 template <class StorageType, class CalculationType>
1345 Vector2FilterMask_(Vector<double>& input, FilterMask& mask, bool separable)
1346 {
1347  if (separable){
1348  Vector<float> hkernel, vkernel;
1349  if (input.Size()<2u){
1350  BIASERR("invalid vector size "<<input.Size());
1352  }
1353  const int hsize = (int)rint(input[0]), vsize = (int)rint(input[1]);
1354  if ((int)input.Size() != hsize + vsize + 2){
1355  BIASERR("invalid vector entries");
1357  }
1358  hkernel.newsize(hsize);
1359  for (int i=0; i<hsize; i++){
1360  hkernel[i] = (float)(CalculationType)input[i+2];
1361  }
1362  vkernel.newsize(vsize);
1363  for (int i=0; i<vsize; i++){
1364  vkernel[i] = (float)(CalculationType)input[i+2+hsize];
1365  }
1366  mask.Init(hkernel, vkernel);
1367  } else {
1368  Matrix<float> kernel;
1369  if (input.Size()<2u){
1370  BIASERR("invalid vector size "<<input.Size());
1372  }
1373  const int rows = (int)rint(input[0]), cols = (int)rint(input[1]);
1374  const int num = cols * rows;
1375  if ((int)input.Size() != num + 2){
1376  BIASERR("invalid vector entries");
1378  }
1379  kernel.newsize(rows, cols);
1380  for (int i=0; i<num; i++){
1381  kernel.GetData()[i] = (float)(CalculationType)input[i+2];
1382  }
1383  mask.Init(kernel);
1384  }
1385 }
1387 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1388 // instantiation
1389 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1390 namespace BIAS{
1391 template class Tracker<unsigned char, float>;
1392 template class Tracker<float, float>;
1394 // fill in instances as required
1395 #ifdef BUILD_IMAGE_INT
1396 template class Tracker<unsigned char, int>;
1397 #endif
1398 #ifdef BUILD_IMAGE_CHAR
1399 //template class Tracker<unsigned char, char>;
1400 #endif
1402 #endif
1404 template class Tracker<unsigned short, float>;
1405 #ifdef BUILD_IMAGE_INT
1406 template class Tracker<unsigned short, int>;
1407 #endif
1408 #endif
1409 #ifdef BUILD_IMAGE_UINT
1410 #endif
1412 #endif
1413 }
devel version of antialiased affine tracker
int GetTrackerType()
return trackerbase type currently active
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1277
virtual void Init(const Image< StorageType > &image, const unsigned py_size)=0
void ReserveInternals_(const int pysize, const int pointsize)
Definition: Tracker.cpp:183
int PreparePyramide(const Image< StorageType > &im, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &pim, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &gx, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &gy, FilterNTo2N< CalculationType, CalculationType > &grad, FilterNToN< StorageType, CalculationType > &lowpass)
Prepares the pyramid images: Filters im to pim[0], downsamples pim[0] and calculates the gradients gx...
Definition: Tracker.cpp:441
int FillUpPoints(const std::vector< HomgPoint2D > &points, const std::vector< float > &qual)
Replaces points to which no correspondence could be established in the internal data structures...
Definition: Tracker.cpp:233
class HomgPoint2D describes a point with 2 degrees of freedom in projective coordinates.
Definition: HomgPoint2D.hh:67
virtual int Filter(const Image< InputStorageType > &src, Image< OutputStorageType > &dst)
Definition: FilterNTo2N.cpp:58
int ReplaceAllPoints(const std::vector< HomgPoint2D > &points, const std::vector< float > &qual)
Place every point from points even those at infinity, in the internal data structure Points_...
Definition: Tracker.cpp:383
gray values, 1 channel
Definition: ImageBase.hh:130
unsigned size() const
deprecated interface
virtual double GetRescaleFactor() const =0
void SetTrackerType(int tracker_type)
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1308
int WriteTrackFile(std::deque< std::vector< HomgPoint2D > > &p, std::deque< std::vector< int > > &results, const std::string &name)
write a track file in Birchfeld-style.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1203
virtual bool IsEmpty() const =0
int ReplacePoints(const std::vector< HomgPoint2D > &points, const std::vector< float > &qual)
Place every point from points which is not at infinity, in the internal data structure Points_...
Definition: Tracker.cpp:330
HomgPoint2D & Homogenize()
homogenize class data member elements to W==1 by divison by W
Definition: HomgPoint2D.hh:215
void PadPoints_(const int start)
sets all points with index&gt;=start in the internal data structures to infinity
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1263
Matrix< T > & newsize(Subscript M, Subscript N)
Definition: cmat.h:269
void ReplaceLastImages(PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > *pim, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > *gradx, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > *grady)
This function allows the replacement of the last images.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:104
void ResizeInternals_(const int pysize)
Definition: Tracker.cpp:141
gradient calculation with sobel 3 by 3 masks
unsigned int Size() const
length of the vector
Definition: Vector.hh:143
unsigned int GetWidth() const
Definition: ImageBase.hh:312
Tracker(int tracker_type=TT_Simple)
Default constructor without param object.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:60
void Reset()
Calls ClearPoints and sets pointer to last image and gradients to zero.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:202
virtual void SetZero()=0
void ClearPoints()
Clears the internal data structures, i.e.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:127
virtual PyramidImageInterface< StorageType > * ShallowClone() const =0
Vector< T > & newsize(Subscript N)
Definition: vec.h:220
virtual int Filter(const Image< InputStorageType > &src, Image< OutputStorageType > &dst)=0
virtual function for interface definition
virtual ~Tracker()
Definition: Tracker.cpp:96
void DetermineROI_(int &tlx, int &tly, int &brx, int &bry) const
Definition: Tracker.cpp:210
bool IsAtInfinity() const
Definition: HomgPoint2D.hh:165
virtual void GetSingleImage(Image< StorageType > &im) const =0
static int ConvertST(const BIAS::ImageBase &source, BIAS::ImageBase &dest, ImageBase::EStorageType targetST)
Function to convert the storage type of images e.g.
unsigned int GetChannelCount() const
returns the number of Color channels, e.g.
Definition: ImageBase.hh:382
unsigned int GetHeight() const
Definition: ImageBase.hh:319
The image template class for specific storage types.
Definition: Image.hh:78
T * GetData()
get the pointer to the data array of the matrix (for faster direct memeory access) ...
Definition: Matrix.hh:185
bool SamePixelAndChannelCount(const ImageBase &Image) const
checks if data area has same &quot;size&quot; as Image of other type
Definition: ImageBase.hh:73
static int Save(const std::string &filename, const ImageBase &img, const enum TFileFormat FileFormat=FF_auto, const bool sync=BIAS_DEFAULT_SYNC, const int c_jpeg_quality=BIAS_DEFAULT_IMAGE_QUALITY, const bool forceNewID=BIAS_DEFAULT_FORCENEWID, const bool &writeMetaData=true)
Export image as file using extrnal libs.
Definition: ImageIO.cpp:725
void Vector2FilterMask_(Vector< double > &input, FilterMask &mask, bool separable)
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1345
class Vector3 contains a Vector of fixed dim.
Definition: Matrix.hh:53
double GetRealTime() const
return real time (=wall time clock) in usec JW For Win32: real-time is measured differently from user...
enum EColorModel GetColorModel() const
Definition: ImageBase.hh:407
matrix class with arbitrary size, indexing is row major.
virtual int WriteImages(const std::string &prefix) const =0
void WriteTrackLog_(int num)
logs reasons for lost tracks into tracker.log
Definition: Tracker.cpp:1142
virtual int Track(PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &pim, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &gradx, PyramidImageInterface< CalculationType > &grady)
Tracks all points from the internal data structure Points_.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:874
enum EStorageType GetStorageType() const
Definition: ImageBase.hh:414
virtual int Downsample()=0
virtual double GetPositionOffset() const =0
void Init(const Matrix< FM_INT > &kernel, int rs, bool ResetOtherType=FM_RESET_OTHER)
sets _sKernel and also _fKernel.
Definition: FilterMask.cpp:37
A filter mask (or a kernel) used for convolution.
Definition: FilterMask.hh:61
void SetZero()
set the elements of this matrix to zero
Definition: Matrix2x2.hh:258
binomial low pass filter class
Definition: Binomial.hh:42
class TimeMeasure contains functions for timing real time and cpu time.
Definition: TimeMeasure.hh:111
High level tracking class.
Definition: Tracker.hh:72